Name of Institution

Viet Nam Debt & Asset Trading Corporation (DATC)


Viet Nam (VIE)

Institution at a Glance:

DATC (Viet Nam Debt and Asset Trading Corporation) is a special-class state owned enterprise established in 2003 by Decision No.109/2003/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister.

DATC's ultimate missions are to stabilize the financial status of commercial banks, lower the risk level the entire financial system, revitalize in-trouble SOEs by conducting debt-equity swap, facilitating the privatization process of SOEs and promoting the development of NPL market of Vietnam. DATC's current charter capital is 6.000 billion VND (~ 300 million UDS).

In 2015, The Ministry of Finance (MOF) promulgated Circular No.135/2015/TT-BTC regulating the operating Charter DATC. It is an updated version of the Circular No.79/2011/2011 which gives DATC more flexibility and powers in its business activities especially the debt-equity swap major of DATC.

In 2020, the Government issued Decree 129/2020/ND-CP on the functions, tasks and operating mechanism of the DATC, the Decree expanded the scope of activities and added a number of special mechanisms. vengeance for DATC.

In 2021, the Ministry of Finance issued Circular No. 42/2021/TT-BTC on the organization and operation charter of DATC, strengthening DATC's position in the market of bad debt settlement in Vietnam.

DATC's business activities:
- Debt and asset acquisition;
- Debt and asset purchase;
- Managing of debt and asset acquired;
- Corporate restructuring;
- Consultation on debt and asset managing business;
- Asset management and exploitation
- Investment activities.


VDATC is a state-owned (100%) asset management company with the chartered capital of VND 6.000 billion.


Member Since: 2013

Key Officer

Mr. Le Hoang Hai, Chairman

Contact Us

Vietnam's Debt & Asset Trading Corporation (DATC)
Address: 51 QuangTrungst., Hai Ba TrungDistict., Hanoi, Vietnam.
Telephone: + 024 - 39454738
Fax: + 024 – 39454737

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