Policy Dialogue

Discussions with government body (ministries of finance & economy as well as central banks) of countries with significant higher NPL rates to find common ground and reach agreement on policy options in addressing rising NPLs.

Policy Dialogue with Bangladesh (2018-2019)

Policy Dialogue with Bangladesh (2018-2019)

At the 4th and 5th IPAF Conferences, Bangladesh Bank officials participated and discussed their challenges in resolving non-performing loans (NPLs). ADB supported the government of Bangladesh by holding capacity building workshops and provided technical assistance. In November 2019, a workshop on NPL was conducted in Dhaka.

During IPAF events, KAMCO and SAM engaged Bangladesh Bank officials in policy discussions and presented their knowledge and perspectives on addressing non-performing loans (NPLs).

Policy Dialogue with Mongolia (2014-2015; 2017-2019)

Policy Dialogue with Mongolia (2014-2015; 2017-2019)

Central Bank of Mongolia officials participated in the 4th IPAF Conference and shared their challenges involving the resolution of NPLs.

A feasibility study on financial vulnerability, particularly distressed asset concerns in Mongolia was created through consultations with ADB.

Mongolia received technical support from ADB and KAMCO for the strengthening of the financial sector and the rehabilitation of the banking sector.

Policy Dialogue with Kazakhstan (2013-2014)

Policy Dialogue with Kazakhstan (2013-2014)

Officials from the Central Bank (NBK), Ministry of Finance (MFRK), Ministry of Economy, and Budget Planning (MEBP) of Kazakhstan were met by an ADB fact-finding team in December 2013.

In March 2014, MEBP indicated interest in co-hosting an ADB (IPAF) training seminar in Kazakhstan.

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