Name of Institution

Mongolia Asset Management Corporation LLC (MAMCO)


Mongolia (MON)

Institution at a Glance:

Mongolia Asset Management Corporation LLC (MAMCO) was first established on 30 August 2017 and had been initially incorporated as a sole subsidiary of Savings Bank LLC. On 20 October 2022, 10% of its shares was obtained by the central bank of Mongolia.

As its achievements, MAMCO has taken measures to recover 49 NPL’s of the Savings Bank. Out of those, a total of 29 NPL’s have been resolved and closed, and the remaining 20 NPL’s are still ongoing. Additionally, MAMCO had conducted 4 types of research based on the 4 cases of the Savings Bank namely:

  • Non-performing loans recovery,
  • Non-performing loans study,
  • Court proceedings,
  • Court decision enforcement activities


MAMCO is 90% owned by Savings Bank LLC and 10% owned by the Central Bank of Bank of Mongolia.


Member Since: 2022

Key Officer

Enkhtur Minjur, CEO

Contact Us

Mongolia Asset Management LLC
Kholboochdyn Street 4
Chingeltei District, 1st Khoroo
Ulaanbaatar 15600, Mongolia
Website: (under construction)

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