The IPAF International Conference: Stronger Recovery through Regional Financial Cooperation

About the Conference

While the world copes rising inflation, three years of COVID, and continued geopolitical tensions from Russia's invasion of Ukraine, we also have to face economic uncertainty and grapple with their aftereffects on market volatility.

Against this backdrop, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Indonesian Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (Indonesian: Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) and Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (PPA) are co-organizing a Conference on Stronger Recovery through Regional Cooperation. The event will be held in-person on 21 September 2023 in Hotel Merusaka Dua in Bali, Indonesia.

This one-day event which aims to assess the current global financial stability, its risks and vulnerability to future shocks will bring together experts from ADB, AMRO, BIS, WB, research institutes, as well as government officials to share their experience and views and provide insightful perspectives on the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Representatives from ADB developing member countries (DMCs), IPAF members (asset management and deposit insurance corporations); and financial ministries, central banks, financial regulatory authorities are expected to participate in this event.

The event has three parts: (i) Safeguarding Financial Stability in Asia amid Challenging Times; (ii) Regional Cooperation and Integration for Financial Development and its implication for IPAF, and (iii) Innovative Solution for Tackling NPLs in Asia; Implementation for an Online NPL Trade Platform to explicitly discuss the implications of surging NPLs to financial stability and the collective measures needed to sustain stability, including innovative IT solutions.

Information Note

You can download the full handbook guide from here.

Agenda (click here to download the full agenda)


Venue: Mengiat Ballroom, Merusaka Nusa Dua
Master of Ceremony: Dewi Kumala

Opening Session




IPAF Introduction Video & 10th Anniversary Video


Opening Remarks

Mr. Yadi Jaya Ruchandi
President Director, Danareksa
- parent company / ex-president of PPA


Welcome Remarks

Mr. Shixin Chen
(South, Central and West Asia)
Asian Development Bank (ADB)


Keynote Presentation


Global Financial Stability and the Role of Regional Cooperation

Mr. Rionald Silaban
Director General, State Assets Management
Ministry of Finance, Indonesia


Strengthening Fiscal and Financial Sector Policies and Resilience to Economic Shocks through Regional Cooperation

Mr. Wahyu Setyawan
Expert Staff for Strategic Policy Implementation, Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, Indonesia


Group Photo


Tea Break

Session 1:
Safeguarding Financial Stability in Asia amid Challenging Times


Securing Financial Stability on a Volatile Global Economy

  • Global economic outlook
  • Examining the current state of global financial stability, analyzing key risks and vulnerabilities

Ms. Sally Chen
Regional Adviser
Bank for International Settlements (BIS)


Panel Discussion:
[three or four 10 minute presentations by panelists; 40 minutes for discussion]

  • Key macroeconomic developments in the Asian region and assessment of the risks to the outlook.
  • Overview of Asian debt trends and implication for financial stability
  • Regulatory frameworks and for minimizing bad debt and strategy to ensure financial stability (Regulator from a Financial Supervisory Authority)

Mr. John Beirne
Vice Chair of Research Department and Senior Research Fellow
Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Mr. Hoe Jeong Kim
Senior Advisor to the Chairman,

Mr. Kevin C. Cheng
Group Head, Financial Surveillance
AMRO - Asia

Mr. Mohamad Miftah
Department of Banking Research and Regulation, OJK

Mr. Johannes Raschke, CFA
Senior Investment Officer, DARP, Financial Institutions Group, IFC


Lunch and Networking Break

Session 2:
Regional Cooperation and Integration for Financial Development and its implication for IPAF



Mr. Sunjoon Choe
Team Head
Korea Asset Management Corporation (KAMCO)


Panel Discussion:
[three or four 10 minute presentations by panelists; 30 minutes for discussion]

  • Actions to enhance regional cooperation to overcome the evolving challenges, sustain the region’s dynamism, and prepare for future shocks
  • NPLs surge in Asia threating financial stability
  • Collaborative initiatives to promote financial stability and manage NPLs in Asia
  • Successful strategies and best practices in resolving NPLs in Asia
  • How can IPAF further develop the Asian NPL markets?

Mr. James Villafuerte
Regional Lead Economist, Southeast Asia
Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Mr. Karlis Bauze
Senior Financial Sector Expert at FinSAC,
World Bank

Mr. Adi Pamungkas Daskian
Director of Investment 2, PPA

Mr. Chen Lau
Partner, Business Recovery Services,
Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC)

Mr. Kanat Tastembekov
Head of Division, Budget Lending
Minister of Finance, Kazakhstan


Tea Break

Session 3:
Innovative Solution for Tackling NPLs in Asia; Implementation for an Online NPL Trade Platform



Ms. Inyoung Hwang
Regional Cooperation Specialist
Economic Research and Development
Impact Department
Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Mr. Burkhard Heppe
CTO and Co-founder
NPL Markets Ltd

Ms. Sungmee Hong
Lee & Ko


Panel Discussion

Mr. Jong Woo Kang
Director, Economic Research and Development
Impact Department
Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Mr. Ivan Moisov
Director, Stress-Testing Dept.,
The Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of Financial Market

Mr. Phan Manh Cuong
Deputy Director,
Bureau of Macro Surveillance of the credit institution system, Banking Supervisory Agency
State Bank of Viet Nan (SBV)

Mr. Richard Bevan [Virtual]
Director, Portfolio Lead Advisory Services,

Mr. Chi-Nang Kong
Senior Managing Director
Pepper Global

Closing Session


Closing Remarks

Mr. Avianto Istihardjo
Interim President Director of PPA



Session 1: Safeguarding Financial Stability in Asia amid Challenging Times
Session 2: Regional Cooperation and Integration for Financial Development and its implication for IPAF
Session 3: Innovative Solution for Tackling NPLs in Asia; Implementation for an Online NPL Trade Platform



PPA Interim President Director Avianto Istihardjo and ERDI Regional Lead Economist for Southeast Asia James Villafuerte during the IPAF 10th anniversary ceremony at the 7th IPAF Summit on 20 September 2023 in Bali, Indonesia

ADB and IPAF members participated in the 7th IPAF Summit on 20 September 2023 in Bali, Indonesia

Opening Session

In the photo: Representatives from ADB, PPA, Indonesian ministries of finance and state-owned enterprises, and asset management companies participated in the 7th IPAF International Conference in Bali, Indonesia on 21 September 2023

In the Photo: Representatives from ADB, AMRO-Asia, BIS, WB, OJK, ministries of finance and state-owned-enterprises, Indonesia, ministry of finance, KAZ, Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development, State Bank of Viet Nam, Korea Exchange, PwC, Deloitte, Pepper Global, NPL Markets Ltd, Lee & Ko, PPA and KAMCO are among the Speakers who graced the event.

Session 1: Safeguarding Financial Stability in Asia amid Challenging Times

In the photo from L – R: Speaker – Sally Chen, BIS, panelists (Hoe Jeong Kim-Korea Exchange, Kevin Cheng-AMRO Asia, Johannes Raschke-IFC, Mohamad Miftah-OJK, virtual) and ADBI’s John Beirne moderated the panel discussion.

Session 2: Regional Cooperation and Integration for Financial Development
and its implication for IPAF

In the photo from L – R: Speaker -Sunjoon Choe, KAMCO, panelists (Chen Lau-PwC, Kanat Tastembekov-Mof KAZ, Karlis Bauze-WB, virtual) and ADB’s James Villafuerte moderated the panel discussion.

Session 3: Innovative Solution for Tackling NPLs in Asia;
Implementation for an Online NPL Trade Platform

In the photo from L – R: Speakers (Inyoung Hwang-ADB, Burkhard Heppe-NPL Markets Ltd., Sungmee Hong-Lee & Ko), panelists (Phan Manh Cuong-SBV, Ivan Moisov-ARKRDFM, Chi-Nang Kong-Global Pepper, Richard Bevan-Deloitte, virtual), and ADB’s Jong Woo Kang moderated the panel discussion.

Closing Session

In the Photo: PPA Interim President Director Avianto Istihardjo delivered the closing remarks during the IPAF International Conference on 21 September 2023 in Bali, Indonesia

IPAF Coordinating Council Meeting

ADB and IPAF members’ representatives participated in the Coordinating Council Meeting on 22 September 2023 in Bali, Indonesia.


IPAF Milestones

7th Summit Video Highlight

Travel Advisory

About the Airport

Indonesia has severe laws prohibiting conduct that is againts PP and other regional laws. For more details, click here.


Foreigners can utilize the Exempt Special Visit Visa for Tourism and the Special Visit Visa on Arrival for Tourism to engage in the following actitivies:

  • Tourism Purposes
  • Government official visits
  • Business meetings
  • Purchase visits
  • Conferences
  • Transit in Indonesia
Period of Stay

Non-Indonesian citizens are authorized to remain in Indonesia for a duration of 30 days, and this stay permit cannot be prolonged. Travelers under visa exemptions are not allowed to engage in employment activities and are ineligible to apply for an onshore visa within Indonesia.

Application Procedure and Requirements
  • Passport that remains valid for a minimum of 6 (six) months.
  • A return ticket or a connecting ticket for onward travel to different destination.
Additional Requirements

Evidence of having received the complete COVID-19 vaccine dosage.

Please kindly check the international travel health guidelines for entering Indonesia on the following website:

About VISA


  1. Brunei Darussalam
  2. Philippines
  3. Cambodia
  4. Lao PDR
  5. Malaysia
  6. Myanmar
  7. Singapore
  8. Thailand
  9. Viet Nam
  10. Timor Leste


  • Regulation No.29 of 2021 issued by the Minisiter of Law and Human Rights regarding Visas and Residence Permits
  • Regulation No.9/PMK.02/2022 issued by the Minister of Finance regarding Immigration Service Types and Tariffs in the Ministry of Law and Human Rights for Non-Tax State Revenue
  • Circular Letter IMI-0549.GR01.01 of 2022 by the Acting Director General of Immigration regarding Immigration Assistance to Promote Sustainable Tourism Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic


  • It is prohibited to import or export items such as sharp objects, hazardous chemicals, and illegal drugs in Indonesia.
  • There are limitations on liquids, aerosols, and gels that travelers can carry aboard international flights.
  • Passengers are allowed to use and carry procedural restrictions such as liquids, aerosols, and gels on flights, including items such as alcohol, cosmetics, medicines, and daily necessities, with the following conditions:
    • Carried by the passengers themselves before entering the airport.
    • These items can be obtained or purchased at airport duty-free shops and/or onboard.
    • Containers for liquids, aerosols, and gels should not exceed a maximum capacity of 100 ml or an equivalent size.
    • These containers must be placed inside a transparent plastic bag with a maximum capacity of 1000 ml, 1 liter, or a similar size, and the bag should have a securely fastened cover

The liquid, aerosol,and gel requirement does not apply to the follow ing items:

  1. Medications
  2. Baby foods, beverages, and milk
  3. Special dietary foods and beverages

Liquids,aerosols, and gels must adhere to the specified capacity limits. If passengers exceed the allowed quantities outlined inthe regulations, airport security personnel are authorized to confiscate their checked baggage (stored luggage) or other possessions.

Liquids, aerosols, or gels obtained from duty-free shops or onboard must meet the followingconditions:

  1. The containers holding these substances should be enclosed in a transparent plastic bag supplied by the duty-free shop manager and securely sealed.
  2. Evidence of purchase must be presented.
  3. These items should be segregated from other baggage during inspection.

Penalties will be enforced as per the relevant regulations for any breaches of the rules concerning the transport of liquids, aerosols, and gels in the aircraft cabin by passengers.



  • PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (PPA) does not offer transportation services, except for VVIPs.
  • Participants may utilize transportation services that are available at the airport, including tax i, rental car, and other public transportation.
  • Indonesia's transportation service applicat ions you can download on your phone:
    1. Grab
    2. Go Car
    3. Taxi
  • Should you require aid or additional details regarding transportat ion services, our committee team is stationed at the airport to offer assistance. Please get in touch with Mr. Bojes Setiawan at +62.89 8542 4476.


Shuttle service is available by Merusaka Hotel and service you from venue To Novotel Nusa Dua, at certain hours with details as follow:

  • 08.00 AM To 20.00 AM

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